All About Science Thursdays

What are Science Thursdays?

Science Thursdays are an opportunity for elementary students in grades 4 and 5 to participate in a project-based learning experience centered around life science. There are four learning sessions in each learning module. Science Thursdays were conceived by senior elementary education majors as part of their science teaching requirements for EDU 32800 Science in Elementary Schools at Purdue University Fort Wayne (PFW).

What will my child be learning about?

Students will participate in one of two modules from the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Launch curriculum, designed especially for elementary age students. All lessons are aligned to Indiana and national standards for science.

4th Grade | Organisms: Structure and Function

Students examine a wide range of organisms, exploring their unique internal and external structures to understand how they support each animal’s survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction. Students’ view of organism structures becomes more complex as they experience how individual structures combine into larger systems. They make decisions about the types of structures and systems a plant needs to survive. Then they work toward solving the problem raised in the introduction story: How can we create a prosthesis that will help an animal eat or move effectively again? Using the design process, students apply their knowledge to design, build, test, and refine a model prosthesis for an injured animal.

5th Grade: | Ecosystems: Flow of Matter and Energy

Students learn about Earth’s ecosystems and how energy flows from the Sun to plants, and from plants to animals. Students create a model to describe photosynthesis and explain how energy from the Sun is introduced into an ecosystem. Students use evidence to defend the claim that plants get the materials they need for growth mainly from air and water. Students learn how energy flows through an ecosystem and explore a simulation about how an ecosystem can become unbalanced. Finally, students use the design process to develop an action plan to protect an ecosystem that has become unbalanced due to human activity.

Where and when are Science Thursdays?

Science Thursdays will be held in Neff Hall, 2nd floor, from 5:15 to 7:00 PM on four consecutive Thursdays: October 27, November 3, November 10, and November 17, 2022.

Who is teaching Science Thursdays?

Lessons will be team taught by senior elementary education majors at Purdue University Fort Wayne. Dr. Matthew Perkins Coppola, Associate Professor of Science Education, director of the Northeast Indiana Regional Science and Engineering Fair, and licensed teacher of 24 years will be supervising instruction.

Does my child need to attend all four sessions?

Yes. Attendance to all four sessions is appreciated, as the curriculum builds toward a final project on November 17.

What does it cost?

There is no cost to register or attend. Funding is provided through a Service-Learning grant from Purdue University.

Do I need to stay with my child? How does drop off and pick up work?

No. Parents or other caregivers will drop off their child at the registration table set up in parking lot PL7 between 5:00 and 5:15 pm. The registration table will be located between Neff Hall and the southwest entrance to the Engineering, Technology, and Computer Science Building (buildings 4 and 5 on the following map:

Pickup will be at the same location between 7:00 and 7:10 pm.

Please bring your ID when checking your child in and out of the program.

How do I register my child?

Register online by completing the form at

Who do I contact with questions?

Please contact Dr. Matthew Perkins Coppola by email at or by phone at 260 481-6516.